WXJM interview with Julia Willinger
Julia Willinger, the VP of A&R Records and Publishing at mom + pop music (http://www.momandpopmusic.com/), was able to have a chat with me and give some great ... -
WXJM Interview with EX-Cult
Hailing from Memphis, Ex-Cult is a super rad band that has joined the famous Goner Records family. Their eerie guitar riffs combined with vocalist Chris ... -
WXJM Interview with Claude VonStroke
WXJM: First off, as fan and a DJ myself it’s super cool to have this opportunity to talk to you. You’re one of the main ... -
Review of Nathaniel Rateliff – "Falling Faster Than You Can Run"
In today’s world of music, critics overuse the term “grass-roots” far too often, especially when describing folk artists. But in the case of Nathaniel Rateliff ... -
Review of Lucy Rose – "Middle of the Bed"
Imagine taking Justin Vernon out of Bon Iver and replacing him with a female English vocalist; the results would probably sound akin to Bombay Bicycle ... -
Review of Yuck - "Glow and Behold"
. Summary The album, “Glow and Behold,” is a solid sophomore effort for a band going through big changes; while not likely to generate much ...